Part 6 - How To Reinvent Your Life

Change begins with a decision. Are you truly prepared to disrupt your comfort zone and move towards something new? Reinventing yourself is a process. Here's my experience.

Part 6 - How To Reinvent Your Life

This is Part 6/6 in your Everything You Need To Plan Your Best Year Yet and is the method I use to organise my year. Read the other parts here but remember it's essential to do your Big Woman Energy docs here. I hope this is useful for your 2025 planning!

For some of you, 2025 might require a drastic change. Whatever the reason, it may be the year when you begin the process of reinvention.

I won't call it THE YEAR OF REINVENTION because changing your life—even an immediate and sharp change—requires time to process. But we can take the first step today. For me, this process began in 2023, and it’s only now, in 2025, that I feel I am stepping into the main character of my Season 2. So here’s the backstory...

The trigger began on 7th July 2023, when I received an awful email. Later that afternoon, I had a panic attack on a Zoom call while pitching to investors for a fresh round of funding for The Stack World. On top of this, I experienced serious health issues, and my hormones were all over the place.

On this particular day, I remember thinking I wanted to throw myself under a bus. That’s when I knew those unhealthy thoughts meant I needed to sort things out—for Roman.

Everything seemed to be happening at once. It had been almost a decade since I’d had a panic attack that severe, but I recognised the signs immediately and decided to stop fundraising. I knew my physical and mental health couldn’t cope.

When these lovely women came to my house, I had to apologise profusely for my low demeanour and I still hosted and taught them this group session anyway,

From July 2023 to December 2023, I experienced a stagnant depression that I couldn’t snap out of. Most people wouldn’t have known because I kept working. I showed up, looked good, programmed and hosted an entire Stack Conference for 350 women, and even had two funding deals on the table. Sad selfies aside, I was functioning.

Sad Selfies.

But I know myself. I knew something had to change. In November 2023, I hosted New Methods Season 2: How to Reinvent Your Life. I like to share what I’m learning and going through in real time with my community. So, I wrote a 10-week programme for what the next arc of life would look like, and we all gathered on Zoom to discuss it.

The results were incredible and after thought comes action. I decided to leave London and spent the whole of 2024 recovering, thinking and rebuilding my confidence to step into the next era.

By November 2024, when Alma Festival asked me to do a workshop on this process of reinvention, I had gained enough perspective to realise it was still a clear and valuable framework. That’s what I want to share with you today.

What is a Reinvention?

Having reinvented myself three times over already, I would define reinvention as the process of shedding your outer skin to the point of being unrecognisable to casual acquaintances, while simultaneously strengthening and building your inner world. Your real friends should know the inner you. They should see you developing, growing, and recognise that this process of reinvention is part of your life’s journey. You are still you.

Acquaintances and work colleagues, however, often see you as a series of labels. They box you in and decide who you are based on their limited interactions. The material trappings of your life become part of this labelling: where you live, the type of people you associate with, the job you do, the topics you discuss etc

Reinvention means shifting all of these things to become the person who is fulfilled and content. To reduce your constant searching because you have found a home in yourself.

And did it work? Absolutely! I'm writing this essay on my 8th day in Marrakech, feeling more at home in myself that ever and raring to go on new projects and ideas that I feel represent the person I want to be. I wish all of these feels for you.

In the spirit of not writing another 5k words for you to digest and not to repeat myself, I have summarised these 10 weeks below. In this article you'll find

  • Each Step of Reinvention as a headline summary
  • 11 Workshop Decks
  • Links for Stack Members to Video Replays