My Creative Process

Two decades after my degree, I realise I approach all creative projects in much the same manner. Here is my creative playbook.

My Creative Process
Beautystack Magazine

Seventeen years ago, I was a student with a dream and a deadline. My final project was a menswear magazine—something tangible, beautiful, and entirely mine. I remember the rush of ideas, the long nights cutting and pasting layouts (literally, no Canva back then!), and the thrill of seeing my vision come to life. That magazine wasn’t just an assignment; it was proof that I could create something from nothing.

I got an email from Central St Martins asking if I still had my final project magazine for an exhibition they were putting together to celebrate the work of the alumni. Shockingly for someone who has moved house 18 times in two decades, I did have it.

I had no idea that my degree course - Fashion Communication & Promotion was 50 years old! What foresight the University of the Arts London saw in the wide variety of creative roles necessary to support the fashion industry. Until then, all courses were focussed on the design and making of clothes.

Taking my magazine (and the final project of Jodie Harsh whose magazine I designed!) to lecturer and friend, Dal Chodha, and talking through it, I realised that not a lot has changed about my creative process. Two decades after my degree, I realise I approach all creative projects in much the same manner.

Creativity can be learned

Creativity is part intuition and part mentorship. I think I was always born like this but I was absolutely guided and directed by teachers, lecturers, mentors and also companies who shared their processes with me. I was incredibly lucky to learn from the best.